Tim Miller, president and owner of Bridgewater Communities, currently serves on the board of the Home Building Industry Advancement Fund (HBIAF).
The HBIAF was created by the Home Builders Association – St. Louis (HBA) in 1966 as a separate, not-for-profit corporation.
HBIAF is a means of equitable funding both the training of carpenters for the region and as a way to better the regional housing industry and the homes it produces. It is funded through employer contributions specified in a contract agreement with local carpenters’ unions. The current contribution amount is 70 cents per carpenter hour worked. Depending on the number of carpenter hours worked, the fund revenue fluctuates. The most recent 10-year annual average for the fund is near 2.1 million dollars.
Carpenter training occurs at the Nelson Mulligan Training School in Affton. Carpenters are allowed to begin training or work in the trade while receiving additional training to expand employment options by developing specialized skills and learning cutting-edge technologies. Training participants may also receive college credit toward degrees at local community colleges and technical schools.
Working together, the home building industry is creating employment opportunities and better homes for the St. Louis market.
Bridgewater Communities is proud to participate in this winning venture.